Swindon Panel Society’s 2021 AGM will be held VIA ONLINE MEETING at 3pm on Saturday 19 June.
It is necessary to register (https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApce-uqjMjG9B2Y3Nh0xi697x8h-_YJxN4) to attend the meeting.
After registering you will receive a link to the actual meeting.
Zoom is free to download. When you click the meeting link (which you receive after registering), there is an option to download Zoom if you don’t already have it.
It is also possible to dial in by telephone.
We will start the session a bit early to give everyone time to join in and iron out any computer issues.
Non-members are welcome to attend but may not vote.
(We will hold an in-person members’ social event at the panel as soon as circumstances allow.)
Photo shows the Henry Williams bear, joining in the AGM by phone in Swindon Panel. The bear was sent by HW to the Swindon Panel opening event 2018!