Are you a member of Swindon Panel Society yet? If not, there has never been a better time to join!
If you are a bronze member, perhaps you might like to consider upgrading to Silver!
The panel is now in Didcot, fully in our possession, and it’s no longer a question of ‘if’ it’s preserved and brought back to life, it’s ‘when’!
The ‘when’ currently depends on fundraising, so if you’ve followed our progress with interest thus far, please consider joining the Society. There are two levels of membership, starting from just £5. You’ll receive a membership card, email updates, you can visit, and play with, the panel as much as you like when we are open (or even when we’re not as a silver member!). Silver members also receive our popular news magazine with many interesting reports and stories about the preservation work.
Swindon Panel needs you!!